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Gambar Artikel Viral Santriwati Dinikahi Pengasuh Ponpes Tanpa Izin Ortu, Dosen FAI UM Surabaya; Begini Hukumnya dalam Islam
  • 02 Jul
  • 2024

Viral Santriwati Dinikahi Pengasuh Ponpes Tanpa Izin Ortu, Dosen FAI UM Surabaya; Begini Hukumnya dalam Islam

Beberapa hari ini media sosial dihebohkan dengan kasus seorang pengasuh Pondok Pesantren (Ponpes) di Kabupaten Lumajang, Jawa Timur berinisial ME dilaporkan ke polisi karena menikahi secara siri sa [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Kasus DBD Terus Meningkat, Dosen UM Surabaya Beri Pesan Ini untuk Para Orang Tua
  • 22 Apr
  • 2024

Kasus DBD Terus Meningkat, Dosen UM Surabaya Beri Pesan Ini untuk Para Orang Tua

Kasus demam berdarah dengue atau sering dikenal DBD kian meningkat. Adanya peralihan dari musim hujan ke musim kemarau menyebabkan kasus DBD terus meningkat. Diketahui data dari Kemenkes hingga 14 [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Dosen UM Surabaya Bagikan Tips agar Masa Tua Tidak Kekurangan Finansial
  • 20 Oct
  • 2023

Dosen UM Surabaya Bagikan Tips agar Masa Tua Tidak Kekurangan Finansial

Menjadi tua adalah suatu kepastian yang akan dialami oleh semua orang.  Semakin bertambah umur, tentu produktivitas juga akan menurun, sehingga agar masa tua bisa tetap bahagia seseorang perlu [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips for Saving Yourself when an Earthquake Occurs
  • 22 Nov
  • 2022

UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares Tips for Saving Yourself when an Earthquake Occurs

Indonesia is located on three active plates in the world, namely the Pacific plate, the Indo-Australian plate, and the Eurasian plate, making Indonesia a country prone to earthquakes.Earthqu [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Murder in Inheritance Cases Rises, Lecturer at UM Surabaya: Here's the Key to Distribution of Assets So There's No Family Conflict
  • 02 Nov
  • 2022

Murder in Inheritance Cases Rises, Lecturer at UM Surabaya: Here's the Key to Distribution of Assets So There's No Family Conflict

A few weeks ago, social media was shocked by the viral case of the murder of a family due to an inheritance conflict. In this case 5 victims were found dead in a septic tank well.Lecturer at [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Toddlers Watch Too Often Youtube, Can It Really Make You Slow to Talk? This is the Explanation of a UM Surabaya Lecturer
  • 14 Sep
  • 2022

Toddlers Watch Too Often Youtube, Can It Really Make You Slow to Talk? This is the Explanation of a UM Surabaya Lecturer

Parenting children in today's digital age sometimes makes millennial parents confused. The reason is, they often wonder when is it better to introduce children to modern technology like Youtube? [Read More]