Setelah berakhirnya liburan panjang Idul Fitri di Indonesia, banyak orang mengalami apa yang disebut sebagai "post holiday blues". Istilah ini merujuk pada perasaan sedih, cemas, atau kelela [Read More]
Anak-anak sering kali sakit saat musim penghujan tiba. Hal ini disebabkan karena sistem kekebalan tubuh anak-anak masih belum sekuat orang dewasa. Orang tua tidak perlu khawatir, [Read More]
Pilek merupakan gangguan kesehatan yang kerap terjadi pada seseorang yang imunnya sedang menurun, karena infeksi virus rhinovirus telah menyerang tubuh. Munculnya gejala pilek ini bisa terjadi kare [Read More]
Breathing is one of the greatest and priceless blessings and gifts. There are many organs that play a role in the breathing process. Respiratory organs are not just the lungs. Mouth, nose, and thro [Read More]
Maintaining healthy teeth and mouth is an obligation. One of the easiest is to brush your teeth. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth twice a day, namely after eating and before going to bed. The [Read More]
Every parent definitely wants the best education for their children up to the tertiary level. The cost of education in Indonesia tends to be expensive every year. One of them is due to the inflatio [Read More]