The KKN horror film in the Dancer Village seems to make people curious. The film, which was able to penetrate more than 7 million viewers, has its own charm, ranging from parents, teenagers to chil [Read More]
Regarding the phenomenon of artists admitting that their brand takes part in the 2022 Paris Fashion Week (PFW) event. Attracts the attention of Radius Setiyawan, Lecturer at the University of Muham [Read More]
Making BPJS a requirement for administering driving licenses (SIM), vehicle registration certificates (STNK) to police record certificates (SKCK) contained in Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Numb [Read More]
After the Delta variant which spread throughout the world including in Indonesia, there is currently a new variant of Covid-19, namely the B.1.1.529 variant which is called Omicron. This variant ha [Read More]
In the past few days, another case of fraud on behalf of a bank has emerged, which was spread via WhatsApp (WA) messages on the pretext of information about an increase in the administration rate f [Read More]
The hectic adoption of spirit dolls or spirit dolls has recently become an interesting conversation for many people. Some celebrities treat spirit dolls like real children by being given nice cloth [Read More]