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Gambar Artikel Soal Polemik Tapera, Ini Kata Pakar Ekonomi UM Surabaya
  • 01 Jun
  • 2024

Soal Polemik Tapera, Ini Kata Pakar Ekonomi UM Surabaya

Di tengah kondisi melemahnya daya beli dan konsumsi masyarakat, publik digemparkan dengan adanya polemik penerapan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 21 Tahun 2024 tentang Tabungan Perumahan Rakyat (T [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Many DPR Candidates Can Register for the 2024 Election Without SKCK, This is the Response of a UM Surabaya Legal Expert
  • 08 Sep
  • 2022

Many DPR Candidates Can Register for the 2024 Election Without SKCK, This is the Response of a UM Surabaya Legal Expert

Crowded on social media about the requirements for registering a candidate for the People's Representative Council (DPR) in the 2024 Election, it is not mandatory to include a police record certifi [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Legal Expert Describes 5 Reasons Why the Fuel Price Increase Is Incorrect
  • 05 Sep
  • 2022

UM Surabaya Legal Expert Describes 5 Reasons Why the Fuel Price Increase Is Incorrect

Pertalite and Solar subsidized fuel prices officially increased on Saturday (3/9/2022) yesterday. The announcement of this increase was made by the government through a press conference held by Pre [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Law Experts at UM Surabaya Respond to the Issue of the Correctional Bill which is one step away from being ratified
  • 02 Jun
  • 2022

Law Experts at UM Surabaya Respond to the Issue of the Correctional Bill which is one step away from being ratified

Regarding the polemic on the Penitentiary Bill, it abolished Government Regulation (PP) Number 99 of 2012 concerning Terms and Procedures for the Implementation of the Rights of Correctional Assist [Read More]
Gambar Artikel BPJS is a Requirement for Managing SIM-STNK, This is the Response of a UM Surabaya Legal Expert
  • 25 Feb
  • 2022

BPJS is a Requirement for Managing SIM-STNK, This is the Response of a UM Surabaya Legal Expert

Making BPJS a requirement for administering driving licenses (SIM), vehicle registration certificates (STNK) to police record certificates (SKCK) contained in Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Numb [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Wadas Case: UM Surabaya Legal Expert Reveals Ecological Politics
  • 12 Feb
  • 2022

Wadas Case: UM Surabaya Legal Expert Reveals Ecological Politics

The issue of residents' resistance to the government's development plans has resurfaced. The case of the rejection of the construction of the Beres Dam in Wadas Village, Purworejo Regency, Central [Read More]