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Gambar Artikel Anak-anak Rawan jadi Korban Pelecehan, Dosen UM Surabaya Sarankan Hal Ini untuk Para Orang Tua
  • 12 Oct
  • 2023

Anak-anak Rawan jadi Korban Pelecehan, Dosen UM Surabaya Sarankan Hal Ini untuk Para Orang Tua

Kasus kekerasan seksual pada anak terus saja meningkat. Laporan dari KemenPPA bahwa di tahun 2022 jumlah kekerasan seksual pada anak justru naik dua kali lipat dari tahun sebelumnya. Fenomena ini t [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer: Parents Do This So Children Are Not Slow to Speak
  • 30 May
  • 2023

UM Surabaya Lecturer: Parents Do This So Children Are Not Slow to Speak

Late speech or speech delay can occur in children caused by several factors ranging from internal factors to external factors. Internal factors related to gender, heredity or genetics, and the chil [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Lazy Children Study After Long Holidays, UM Surabaya Lecturers Suggest These 5 Things
  • 03 May
  • 2023

Lazy Children Study After Long Holidays, UM Surabaya Lecturers Suggest These 5 Things

The long vacation during the end of Ramadan and the Eid al-Fitr joint leave is over. All activities and routines are back on, including children's school activities. After a long holiday, it's not [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Calistung Test Removed from Elementary School Entrance Requirements, This Said a Lecturer at UM Surabaya
  • 30 Mar
  • 2023

Calistung Test Removed from Elementary School Entrance Requirements, This Said a Lecturer at UM Surabaya

Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim made a policy of abolishing the literacy and numeracy test (Calistung) as a condition for entering elementary school (SD). Nadiem forbade schools fr [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares 8 Fun Tips to Increase Literacy in Children
  • 20 Mar
  • 2023

UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares 8 Fun Tips to Increase Literacy in Children

The Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) Nadiem Anwar Makariem made a breakthrough in responding to the challenge of the low literacy skills of Indonesian chi [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Gangster Phenomenon Rising While Uploaded on Social Media, UM Surabaya Lecturer Gives Response
  • 14 Mar
  • 2023

Gangster Phenomenon Rising While Uploaded on Social Media, UM Surabaya Lecturer Gives Response

UM Surabaya media expert Radius Setiyawan responded to the trend of gangsters or groups of young people carrying sharp weapons and showing off on social media. Radius said that the behavior of teen [Read More]