Papua Articles

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Gambar Artikel All Eyes on Papua Menggema di Media Sosial, Dosen UM Surabaya Beri Saran Ini untuk Pemerintah
  • 05 Jun
  • 2024

All Eyes on Papua Menggema di Media Sosial, Dosen UM Surabaya Beri Saran Ini untuk Pemerintah

Dosen Kajian Media dan Budaya Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) Radius Setiyawan turut memberikan komentar soal dukungan All Eyes on Papua yang menggema di media sosial. D [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Why after being racist towards Papuans, new people are aware and tend to deny their attitudes, this is what a lecturer at UM Surabaya said
  • 14 May
  • 2022

Why after being racist towards Papuans, new people are aware and tend to deny their attitudes, this is what a lecturer at UM Surabaya said

In a not too long period of time, the attitude of racism towards those who are different surfaced to the public and sparked controversy. From the minister's statement about moving problematic emplo [Read More]