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Gambar Artikel Hajj pilgrims need to be vigilant, these are 5 diseases caused by hot weather and how to prevent them
  • 19 Jun
  • 2023

Hajj pilgrims need to be vigilant, these are 5 diseases caused by hot weather and how to prevent them

Extreme weather in the holy land reaches 440C, these conditions are not an easy challenge for the pilgrims who are now there. In addition, pilgrims also need to be aware of the potential for the sp [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya: This is the first aid that must be done when a child has a fever
  • 20 Oct
  • 2022

Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya: This is the first aid that must be done when a child has a fever

The most worrying thing for parents is when the child is sick. The most frightening illness condition is when the child has a high fever. Fever is indeed the most dominant symptom of the many marke [Read More]