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Gambar Artikel Dosen FK UM Surabaya: Begini Cara Simpel Hilangkan Lemak di Wajah
  • 04 Dec
  • 2023

Dosen FK UM Surabaya: Begini Cara Simpel Hilangkan Lemak di Wajah

Lemak di wajah seringkali mengganggu penampilan dan menurunkan rasa percaya diri seseorang. Kondisi ini sendiri terjadi sebagai akibat dari bertambahnya lemak pada seluruh bagian tubuh . D [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Nurses Share 7 Tips for Keeping Respiratory Organs Healthy
  • 04 Sep
  • 2023

UM Surabaya Nurses Share 7 Tips for Keeping Respiratory Organs Healthy

Breathing is one of the greatest and priceless blessings and gifts. There are many organs that play a role in the breathing process. Respiratory organs are not just the lungs. Mouth, nose, and thro [Read More]
Gambar Artikel How many times do you defecate normally? This is the UMSurabaya Lecturer's Explanation
  • 23 Aug
  • 2023

How many times do you defecate normally? This is the UMSurabaya Lecturer's Explanation

Defecation or defecation is one of the most important physiological functions in the body. Although it is often considered taboo to talk about it, understanding the normality of this process is ver [Read More]
Gambar Artikel The Inspirational Story of Fredo Dimas Saputro, Athlete with Disabilities with Various World Achievements
  • 20 Aug
  • 2023

The Inspirational Story of Fredo Dimas Saputro, Athlete with Disabilities with Various World Achievements

Limitations do not always make a person silent and do nothing, many things can be achieved, one of which is by becoming an outstanding athlete like Fredo Dimas Saputro, Indonesia's proud athlete an [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Nurses UM Surabaya: This Happens to the Body When You Don't Exercise
  • 28 Jul
  • 2023

Nurses UM Surabaya: This Happens to the Body When You Don't Exercise

Someone tends to be obese and overweight due to low physical activity or sports. There are so many things that hinder someone from exercising, because they are lazy, busy and tired. Exercise is ver [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Is it true that night sports are harmful to health? This is the Explanation of a Lecturer at FIK UM Surabaya
  • 26 Jul
  • 2023

Is it true that night sports are harmful to health? This is the Explanation of a Lecturer at FIK UM Surabaya

Evening sports have become a trend today. There is limited time to exercise in the morning because they have to work, in the end many people exercise at night.However, several cases of sudde [Read More]