Pembuangan bangkai hewan ternak yang diduga terinfeksi Penyakit Mulut dan Kuku (PMK) ke sungai memicu kekhawatiran yang serius terkait kesehatan dan lingkungan. Tindakan ini tidak h [Read More]
Kasus wabah Penyakit Mulut dan Kuku (PMK) saat ini melanda Jawa Timur, sebanyak 800 hewan ternak terjangkit di berbagai kabupaten/kota. Nur Hidayatullah Romadhon Dosen Pendidikan Bi [Read More]
Bulan Ramadan adalah bulan suci, setiap muslim yang mampu diwajibkan melakukan ibadah puasa dari subuh hingga maghrib setiap harinya. Di Indonesia lama berpuasa kurang lebih antara 13-14 jam. Selam [Read More]
Smoking is a habit that is carried out by some people in everyday life, this is also a necessity that cannot be avoided for people who experience a tendency towards smoking.The risks that oc [Read More]
The assumption that vape is healthier than conventional cigarettes has made many people switch to using vape. This causes a surge in the number of smokers in Indonesia. That the vaping trend is not [Read More]
In the past month, Indonesia has been shocked by the discovery of the Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) virus which attacks livestock, especially cattle. FMD is a highly contagious disease that attacks [Read More]