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Gambar Artikel Mengapa Penting Bersihkan Wajah Sebelum Tidur? Ini Penjelasan Dosen FK UM Surabaya
  • 06 May
  • 2024

Mengapa Penting Bersihkan Wajah Sebelum Tidur? Ini Penjelasan Dosen FK UM Surabaya

Membersihkan wajah sebelum tidur malam perlu dilakukan, itu mengingat banyaknya aktivitas yang dikerjakan selama satu hari penuh. Karena faktor capek, terkadang banyak sebagian orang yang tidak mel [Read More]
Gambar Artikel This is an Explanation from a Lecturer at FK UM Surabaya Why You Have to Cleanse Your Face Before Sleeping
  • 10 Nov
  • 2022

This is an Explanation from a Lecturer at FK UM Surabaya Why You Have to Cleanse Your Face Before Sleeping

Cleaning your face before going to bed after doing activities all day is a must. Sometimes some people feel tired, they are more interested in lying down and eventually fall asleep.Lecturer [Read More]