Berita tentang dua warga Sidoarjo yang tewas akibat serangan tawon vespa menjadi peringatan serius tentang bahaya serangga ini. Nur Hidayatullah Romadhon Dosen Pendidikan Biologi UM [Read More]
Media sosial dihebohkan dengan meninggalnya salah satu santri Pondok Pesantren (Ponpes) PPTQ Al Hanifiyyah di Mojo, Kediri Jawa Timur bernama Bintang Balqis Maulana (14) yang meninggal dunia d [Read More]
A few days ago social media was horrified by South Korean actress Yoo Ju Eun who died of suicide at the age of 27. Yoo Ju Eun left a last message for his family, he told me that if he had to commit [Read More]
Heart disease is one of the deadliest diseases in the world that can affect anyone. Heart disease has a multifactorial cause. One of the contributors to heart disease comes from foods that are high [Read More]