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Gambar Artikel Agar Konten Media Sosial Berkualitas, Dosen UM Surabaya: Perhatikan Enam Hal Ini
  • 29 Nov
  • 2023

Agar Konten Media Sosial Berkualitas, Dosen UM Surabaya: Perhatikan Enam Hal Ini

Membuat konten yang berkualitas merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting agar konten yang disampaikan di media sosial dapat menarik pengguna media sosial. Di era digital saat ini konten yang berkual [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Pemerintah Resmi Larang Tiktok Shop Jual Beli, Ini Kata Dosen UM Surabaya
  • 27 Sep
  • 2023

Pemerintah Resmi Larang Tiktok Shop Jual Beli, Ini Kata Dosen UM Surabaya

Pemerintah resmi mengambil langkah tegas dengan melarang social commerce Tiktok Shop untuk melakukan transaksi jual beli. Alih alih berjualan, social commerce Tiktok hanya diperbolehkan untuk mempr [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Marak Kampanye Lewat Media Sosial Jelang Pemilu, Ini Kata Dosen UM Surabaya
  • 24 Sep
  • 2023

Marak Kampanye Lewat Media Sosial Jelang Pemilu, Ini Kata Dosen UM Surabaya

Kampanye jelang pilpres 2024 mulai gencar dilakukan oleh sejumlah partai politik, capres cawapres hingga calon anggota legislatif (caleg). Sejumlah tokoh dan politisi mulai aktif dan semakin intens [Read More]
Gambar Artikel The rise of artists and influencers promoting online gambling on social media, this is the response of UM Surabaya lecturers
  • 07 Sep
  • 2023

The rise of artists and influencers promoting online gambling on social media, this is the response of UM Surabaya lecturers

Media and Culture Studies Lecturer at Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UM Surabaya) Radius Setiyawan also provided comments regarding the many influencers involved in promoting online gambling [Read More]
Gambar Artikel LGBT-scented Viral Cartoon Appears on the Children's Channel, This is a Message from a UM Surabaya Lecturer for Parents
  • 26 Aug
  • 2023

LGBT-scented Viral Cartoon Appears on the Children's Channel, This is a Message from a UM Surabaya Lecturer for Parents

Social media was horrified by viral footage of children's cartoons containing elements of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT). Video uploaded by the tiktok account @rachmatika.brmgs with [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Crowded Unhealthy Air Conditions in Jakarta, UM Surabaya Lecturer Describes the Impact
  • 18 Jun
  • 2023

Crowded Unhealthy Air Conditions in Jakarta, UM Surabaya Lecturer Describes the Impact

Jakarta's deteriorating air condition recently has become a topic of conversation on social media. Even DKI Jakarta is currently named the city with the worst air quality in the world, according to [Read More]