Kasus gangguan ginjal pada anak hingga harus menjalani tindakan cuci darah banyak ditemukan di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta. Sebelum divonis gangguan ginjal, kebanyakan dari anak-an [Read More]
Belakangan ini platform media sosial dihebohkan dengan tren makan tahu goreng panas-panas dengan bubuk cabai pedas, tren yang bermula dari China tersebut kini banyak diikuti oleh selebgram Indonesi [Read More]
Obesity is a complex health problem, as well as a serious challenge in public health worldwide. This phenomenon not only threatens the health system, but also impacts the social and economic fabric [Read More]
A few days ago, there were a lot of incidents where several residents died as a result of consuming beef that had become carrion. It was reported that the beef that was consumed, the cow died due t [Read More]
Teeth are the hardest part of the body which is found in the oral cavity, having various shapes adapted to their functions such as cutting, tearing and grinding food. Dental hard tissue is composed [Read More]
Cholesterol is a nutrient needed by the body and is a source of energy for the body. But what if we consume excessive cholesterol levels, this can cause problems for the body, such as hypertension [Read More]