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Gambar Artikel Ramai Protes Mahasiswa soal UKT Mahal, Ini Kata Pakar UM Surabaya
  • 16 May
  • 2024

Ramai Protes Mahasiswa soal UKT Mahal, Ini Kata Pakar UM Surabaya

Satria Unggul Wicaksana Koordinator Kaukus Indonesia Kebebasan Akademik (KIKA) yang juga Dosen Fakultas Hukum (FH) UM Surabaya buka suara soal ramainya gelombang protes mahasiswa terkait kenaikan U [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Harga Beras Naik Terus, Pakar Ekonomi UM Surabaya Beri Tanggapan Ini
  • 27 Feb
  • 2024

Harga Beras Naik Terus, Pakar Ekonomi UM Surabaya Beri Tanggapan Ini

Harga sejumlah komoditas pangan mengalami naik sejak awal tahun 2024 (menjelang pilpres), diantaranya telur, cabai, minyak goreng di sebagian besar wilayah Indonesia. Pasca pemilu 2024 ini, harga b [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Fuel Prices Rise, Economic Expert at UM Surabaya: This Impacts the Middle and Lower Communities
  • 06 Sep
  • 2022

Fuel Prices Rise, Economic Expert at UM Surabaya: This Impacts the Middle and Lower Communities

Saturday 3 September 2022, the government officially raised the price of fuel (fuel oil) or removed fuel subsidies. Various responses to the increase in fuel prices in previous discussions did not [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Economic Expert at UM Surabaya Responds to the Problem of Purchasing Bulk Cooking Oil Required to Include KTP
  • 23 May
  • 2022

Economic Expert at UM Surabaya Responds to the Problem of Purchasing Bulk Cooking Oil Required to Include KTP

Recently, the issue of enforcing the purchase of cooking oil, especially bulk cooking oil on the basis of KTP (Identification Card) has drawn a lot of contra from various communities and groups. Th [Read More]
Gambar Artikel This is the response from UM Surabaya economists about the president giving BLT cooking oil
  • 03 Apr
  • 2022

This is the response from UM Surabaya economists about the president giving BLT cooking oil

The complicated issue in the last few months related to soaring cooking oil prices has sparked a lot of criticism and input for the government. As of April 1 2022 yesterday, through a press confere [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Cooking Oil is Rare in the Market, This Says an Expert at UM Surabaya regarding the Potential for Cartel and Dumping
  • 21 Mar
  • 2022

Cooking Oil is Rare in the Market, This Says an Expert at UM Surabaya regarding the Potential for Cartel and Dumping

The scarcity of cooking oil that has occurred lately has created a polemic in the community. In fact, the President has to intervene by providing various forms of subsidies so that the impact of th [Read More]