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Gambar Artikel How many times a day do you normally defecate? This is the Explanation of UM Surabaya Laboratories
  • 11 Aug
  • 2023

How many times a day do you normally defecate? This is the Explanation of UM Surabaya Laboratories

The frequency of defecation or what is known as BAB normally in a day can vary from each individual. In general, the range that is considered normal is between three times a day to three times a we [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya lecturer: Sitting for too long increases the risk of heart disease and stroke
  • 28 Jun
  • 2022

UM Surabaya lecturer: Sitting for too long increases the risk of heart disease and stroke

The habit of sitting for long periods of time is often done by people who work in offices. Behind the comfort of sitting in a chair for 6-8 hours, there are dangers lurking in the body that we need [Read More]