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Gambar Artikel Benarkah Keseringan Shift Malam Bisa Picu Jantung Koroner? Ini Penjelasan Dosen UM Surabaya
  • 27 Dec
  • 2023

Benarkah Keseringan Shift Malam Bisa Picu Jantung Koroner? Ini Penjelasan Dosen UM Surabaya

Penyakit jantung koroner menjadi salah satu penyebab utama kematian di dunia. WHO menyebut kematian setiap tahun mencapai 17,8 juta orang akibat penyakit jantung, dan setiap 40 detik 1 dari 6 kemat [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Trends in Heart Disease Affected by Productive Age: This is the Explanation of Health Experts at UM Surabaya
  • 07 Jan
  • 2022

Trends in Heart Disease Affected by Productive Age: This is the Explanation of Health Experts at UM Surabaya

Coronary heart disease is still the number one killer in the world and causes 18.6 million deaths per year. This number is increasing not only in old age but also attacking productive age. This is [Read More]