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Gambar Artikel Siswa Harus Simak, Tujuh Jurusan Teknik di UM Surabaya Ini Bisa Diakses dengan Beasiswa
  • 08 Jan
  • 2024

Siswa Harus Simak, Tujuh Jurusan Teknik di UM Surabaya Ini Bisa Diakses dengan Beasiswa

Jurusan teknik adalah salah satu jurusan incaran para calon mahasiswa. Selama ini, jurusan teknik menjadi salah satu jurusan paling diminati karena menjanjikan prospek kerja yang menjanjikan setela [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Viral Many Unemployed Scholars, UM Surabaya Lecturers Share Tips on How to Choose the Right Study Major
  • 28 Dec
  • 2022

Viral Many Unemployed Scholars, UM Surabaya Lecturers Share Tips on How to Choose the Right Study Major

Choosing the right college major is always the dream of every student. Choosing a college major must be thought through carefully so you don't regret it later. This is because education during coll [Read More]
Gambar Artikel 5 Reasons Why Surabaya Deserves to Be a Place to Study
  • 15 Jul
  • 2022

5 Reasons Why Surabaya Deserves to Be a Place to Study

Big cities have always been the destination for immigrants, including prospective students who wish to pursue higher education. One of the big cities that has many choices of quality public or priv [Read More]