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Gambar Artikel Marak Kampanye Lewat Media Sosial Jelang Pemilu, Ini Kata Dosen UM Surabaya
  • 24 Sep
  • 2023

Marak Kampanye Lewat Media Sosial Jelang Pemilu, Ini Kata Dosen UM Surabaya

Kampanye jelang pilpres 2024 mulai gencar dilakukan oleh sejumlah partai politik, capres cawapres hingga calon anggota legislatif (caleg). Sejumlah tokoh dan politisi mulai aktif dan semakin intens [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Viral Hoax Message About Kidnapping, UM Surabaya Media Expert Gives Response
  • 01 Feb
  • 2023

Viral Hoax Message About Kidnapping, UM Surabaya Media Expert Gives Response

The issue of child abduction has been circulating on social media for several days. Child kidnappings that occurred in the Jakarta, Surabaya and surrounding areas are rife and spread via chain mess [Read More]