Haji merupakan ibadah wajib satu kali bagi umat muslim yang mampu karena termasuk dalam rukun Islam, namun diketahui teknis pemberangkatan dan akomodasi yang dibutuhkan membutuhkan biaya yang [Read More]
Heatstroke atau yang sering dikenal dengan serangan panas merupakan sebuah kondisi dimana tubuh tidak mampu mengontrol kenaikan suhu yang disebabkan oleh cuaca yang panas.Tanda dan gejala ya [Read More]
Extreme weather in the holy land reaches 440C, these conditions are not an easy challenge for the pilgrims who are now there. In addition, pilgrims also need to be aware of the potential for the sp [Read More]
Hajj is a mandatory one-time pilgrimage for Muslims who can afford it because it is included in the pillars of Islam, but it is known that the technical departure and accommodation required require [Read More]
Heatstroke or what is often known as heat stroke is a condition where the body is unable to control the increase in temperature caused by hot weather.Signs and symptoms that appear are a sud [Read More]