Pemerintah resmi mengambil langkah tegas dengan melarang social commerce Tiktok Shop untuk melakukan transaksi jual beli. Alih alih berjualan, social commerce Tiktok hanya diperbolehkan untuk mempr [Read More]
Jumlah dan kualitas tidur yang baik memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan, di antaranya meningkatkan daya ingat dan konsentrasi, menjaga berat badan ideal, hingga memperkuat imunitas tubuh. Sebali [Read More]
Kesemutan adalah sensasi yang mungkin familiar bagi banyak orang. Ini adalah kondisi di mana seseorang merasa mati rasa atau kebas di bagian tubuh tertentu seperti kaki dan betis. Gejala kesemutan [Read More]
Many parents complain because their children like to run around while studying, sometimes they have just written the letter a once and are already running here and there and children are easily tem [Read More]
Eid al-Fitr is only a few days away, people are starting to flock to their hometowns to go back and forth. In order for Lebaran homecoming to go smoothly, safely and safely until the destination mu [Read More]
Towards Eid there are many preparations that are usually done by someone. One of them is the appearance ahead of Eid. To make your appearance more attractive, there are several things you can do to [Read More]