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Gambar Artikel Dosen UM Surabaya Bagikan 7 Tips  Langkah Cerdas Mengelola Keuangan di Bulan Ramadan
  • 15 Mar
  • 2024

Dosen UM Surabaya Bagikan 7 Tips Langkah Cerdas Mengelola Keuangan di Bulan Ramadan

Pengeluaran di bulan Ramadan tentu berbeda dengan pengeluran pada hari-hari biasa. Fakta di lapangan, sebagian muslim menunjukkan bahwa jatah konsumsi untuk berbuka dan sahur selama Ramadan melebih [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Dosen UM Surabaya Bagikan Tips Jaga Kesehatan Tubuh saat Puasa Ramadan
  • 11 Mar
  • 2024

Dosen UM Surabaya Bagikan Tips Jaga Kesehatan Tubuh saat Puasa Ramadan

Puasa merupakan salah satu ibadah wajib bagi setiap muslim, kecuali dalam keadaan udzur diperbolehkan meninggalkan ibadah puasa, akan tetapi tetap wajib menggantinya di hari kemudian sebanyak hari [Read More]
Gambar Artikel This is the Explanation of a Lecturer at UM Surabaya about the Red Moon Blood Moon during a Total Lunar Eclipse
  • 08 Nov
  • 2022

This is the Explanation of a Lecturer at UM Surabaya about the Red Moon Blood Moon during a Total Lunar Eclipse

In the evening of 8 November 2022, the people of Indonesia will witness the total lunar eclipse phenomenon. The public is advised not to miss this opportunity because the next total lunar eclipse i [Read More]
Gambar Artikel November 8 There is a Lunar Eclipse, FAI UM Lecturer in Surabaya: Here's the Intention and Procedure for Prayer
  • 08 Nov
  • 2022

November 8 There is a Lunar Eclipse, FAI UM Lecturer in Surabaya: Here's the Intention and Procedure for Prayer

One of the observed natural phenomena and part of the sign of God's greatness is a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse. In several authentic hadiths, the Prophet Muhammad SAW emphatically said that t [Read More]