Media sosial TikTok dihebohkan dengan kasus bayi dikerok hingga gosong. Pemilik akun @nurhayati120805 membagikan video di mana terlihat punggung seorang bayi terdapat bekas kerokan. Menyedihkannya, [Read More]
Social media was shocked by a baby named Muhamamad Kenzie Alfaro, a 16-month-old baby who was obese because his parents gave SKM sweetened condensed milk. Tri Kurniawati, a nutritionist at UM Surab [Read More]
The viral news of a mother giving instant coffee milk to a 7-month-old baby on social media has received a lot of criticism from netizens. Giving coffee or caffeinated drinks can harm the baby's he [Read More]
In recent months, red eyes are endemic in society, ranging from infants to adults who suffer from it. Conjunctivitis is red eye due to inflammation of the transparent membrane that lines the surfac [Read More]
Preparing for the golden generation of 2045 is not easy. This is because stunting is still a major nutritional problem for infants and children under the age of two.Among the 5 million babie [Read More]
Preparing for the golden generation of 2045 is not easy. This is because stunting is still a major nutritional problem for infants and children under the age of two.Among the 5 million babie [Read More]