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Gambar Artikel Nurses of UM Surabaya Explain the Causes of Frequent Body Aches
  • 09 Aug
  • 2023

Nurses of UM Surabaya Explain the Causes of Frequent Body Aches

A feeling of soreness is often experienced by someone at any time due to excessive use of muscles, but sometimes it also appears when not doing any activity at all. Aches usually occur in certain a [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer: This Drinking Habit Can Make Weight Gain Fast
  • 10 Jun
  • 2023

UM Surabaya Lecturer: This Drinking Habit Can Make Weight Gain Fast

About 75% of a person's total body weight is water. Because of that, water is one of the most important basic needs for every living thing, including humans. The average water requirement for adult [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Nurse UM Surabaya Explains 5 Causes of Quick Fatigue and Drowsiness
  • 04 Jan
  • 2023

Nurse UM Surabaya Explains 5 Causes of Quick Fatigue and Drowsiness

Getting tired quickly and getting sleepy easily will affect one's daily productivity, this condition is prone to occur in someone who has busy or busy activities. A tired body condition will cause [Read More]