Kasus Pneumonia di China yang melonjak tajam sejak Oktober hingga November 2023 mendapatkan perhatian khusus di dunia kesehatan. Lonjakan kasus pneumonia banyak menyerang anak-anak membuat fasilita [Read More]
Kemampuan literasi berperan penting dalam mendukung kesiapan sekolah anak. Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) literasi didefinisikan ke dalam tiga pengertian. Pertama literasi diartikan se [Read More]
Sekolah seharusnya menjadi tempat yang aman untuk belajar memperoleh ilmu pengetahuan dan belajar mengembangkan kemampuan bersosialisasi para peserta didik. Akan tetapi beberapa waktu terakhir ini, [Read More]
Recently, social media was shocked by the viral news of a baby named Baim who experienced redness on his back after being scraped. This was revealed by the mother via her TikTok account @tia.rochma [Read More]
Many parents complain because their children like to run around while studying, sometimes they have just written the letter a once and are already running here and there and children are easily tem [Read More]
Social media was horrified by viral footage of children's cartoons containing elements of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT). Video uploaded by the tiktok account @rachmatika.brmgs with [Read More]