Bulan Ramadhan, bulan penuh berkah dan ampunan, akan segera datang bagi umat Muslim. Bulan suci Ramadhan jadi momen istimewa untuk meningkatkan keimanan dan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah [Read More]
So far, the need for sleep is still considered trivial, even less important than healthy food and activity. In fact, if someone lacks sleep every night will receive dangerous consequences.La [Read More]
Charity is a highly recommended practice in Islam. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam called charity as burhan (proof). Because alms is proof of one's faith in the existence of the Day of Re [Read More]
It doesn't feel like we have entered the end of the month of Ramadan. The journey of life that continues to pass has made Ramadan feel so fast. There is anxiety about the fear that the deeds of wor [Read More]