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Gambar Artikel FK Lecturer Explains Preventing Omicron in Children
  • 14 Feb
  • 2022

FK Lecturer Explains Preventing Omicron in Children

Children have a risk of being infected with the Omicron variant. Cases in children jumped dramatically in early January 2022. There were 324 cases found until February 7 2022, an increase of 1000% [Read More]
Gambar Artikel Economic Expert at UM Surabaya Reveals MSME Strategy for Easy Upgrading
  • 08 Feb
  • 2022

Economic Expert at UM Surabaya Reveals MSME Strategy for Easy Upgrading

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an adverse impact on the sustainability of MSMEs. Referring to the data released by the Katadata Insight Center (KIC), the majority of MSMEs (82.9%) have felt the nega [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Faculty of Medicine Lecturer Asks People Not to Take Omicron for granted
  • 07 Feb
  • 2022

UM Surabaya Faculty of Medicine Lecturer Asks People Not to Take Omicron for granted

After the Delta variant which spread throughout the world including in Indonesia, there is currently a new variant of Covid-19, namely the B.1.1.529 variant which is called Omicron. This variant ha [Read More]
Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer: This is what needs to be considered after booster injections
  • 27 Jan
  • 2022

UM Surabaya Lecturer: This is what needs to be considered after booster injections

The government urges the public to continue to comply with health protocols and also carry out a Covid-19 booster vaccine to avoid the omicron variant. For those who meet the requirements or have r [Read More]