Regarding the Case of Celebrities Who Invited Toddlers to Ride the Jetsky Without Safety Jackets, This Said a Lecturer at UM Surabaya

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Gambar Artikel Regarding the Case of Celebrities Who Invited Toddlers to Ride the Jetsky Without Safety Jackets, This Said a Lecturer at UM Surabaya
  • 13 Jan
  • 2023

Ria Ricis tuai kecaman usai mengunggah konten bersama anaknya bermain jetski. (Foto: Instagram @riaricis1795)

Regarding the Case of Celebrities Who Invited Toddlers to Ride the Jetsky Without Safety Jackets, This Said a Lecturer at UM Surabaya

Lately netizens have been shocked by a video of a celebrity inviting their toddler-aged child to ride a jetsky. The community focuses attention on the completeness of protective equipment and children who are not carried in a baby carrier.

The case, which was busy on social media, was immediately responded to by the UM Surabaya Elementary Teacher Education Lecturer (PGSD), Holy Ichda Wahyuni. Holy, who is also a women's activist, said that this incident was very unfortunate, especially since the perpetrator was a public figure.

"As we know that through social media, a public figure always succeeds in bringing out trends that the public can potentially imitate, regardless of what is done has a positive or negative impact," explained Holy Friday (13/1/23)

According to him, it is not wrong to provide a new experience for children in their growth and development period to explore. For example by inviting him to play in the open, or outdoor.

But what needs to be emphasized is the security aspect. Because one never knows the danger that will arise, it could be from the factors of the tools or vehicles used or human error.

"So what we can do is be on guard, always be vigilant, strive for safety and other preventive measures in every condition, by minimizing risks," he added.

In addition, involving children in doing something that is too high a risk can also cause trauma to children.

According to him, several things parents need to pay attention to when inviting children to play or try new things are: First, pay attention to completeness or self-protection for safety. Second choose tours, or locations that are child-friendly. The third is adjusting the type of game to the child's age and finally seeing the child's response first when giving stimulation in its growth and development.

"In this case, parents should be sensitive when the child starts to feel uncomfortable. So stimulation can be started from light things, so that stimulation can be gradual. This is also to avoid over stimulation," Holy concluded.