Regarding the Prospective Bride Reciting Pancasila at the Wedding Contract, This is the Response of a Surabaya UM FAI Lecturer

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Gambar Artikel Regarding the Prospective Bride Reciting Pancasila at the Wedding Contract, This is the Response of a Surabaya UM FAI Lecturer
  • 18 Nov
  • 2022

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Regarding the Prospective Bride Reciting Pancasila at the Wedding Contract, This is the Response of a Surabaya UM FAI Lecturer

The plan for the bride and groom to recite Pancasila and sing the Indonesia Raya song when holding a wedding procession in Kulon Progo, D.I.Yogyakarta, reaps many pros and cons. So does this affect the validity of the marriage?

The lecturer at FAI UM Surabaya, Gandung Fajar Panjalu, responded to the busy case. According to him, to answer this question, it is first necessary to distinguish between the pillars of marriage, legal requirements for marriage, administrative requirements and marriage procession.

Fajar explained that the pillars of marriage are things that need to exist at the time the marriage ceremony is held.

"What enters into the pillars of marriage is the presence of the bride and groom, the marriage guardian, witnesses and the acceptance of the consent qabul. If there is not one of them, the marriage cannot take place," said Fajar Friday (11/18/22)

He explained that the term "conditions" in marriage refers to the conditions that must exist for the parties and can affect the validity and halalness of the married couple. These requirements are attached to each party both the bride and groom, guardians and witnesses.

"For the bride and groom, the conditions for marriage are that they are Muslim, not a mahram, wish to marry, and are not in ihram," he added.

He emphasized that if one of them is not there then the marriage is invalid. The impact of this legitimacy is very much. Starting from the halal relationship, the status of children, joint assets, inheritance and other aspects.

While the administrative requirements contain the need for preparation and data collection so that the marriage can be carried out properly. These administrative requirements include registration of marriages and pre-marital provisions. Even though it does not have a direct impact on the conditions for a valid marriage, administrative requirements must be met as a means of achieving the goals of marriage and to avoid harm.

In the viral event, the matter of memorizing Pancasila and singing Indonesia Raya is not part of the terms and pillars of marriage or the requirements for marriage administration. This is used as a series of wedding processions, especially in November which is considered a patriotic month because there is a hero's day in it, namely November 10th.

"That is, memorizing Pancasila and singing the Indonesia Raya song are not conditions that affect the validity of a marriage," he said.

The public is expected not to over-interpret with the assumption that there is a change in the provisions of Islamic law.

For people who do not memorize Pancasila or are unable to sing Indonesia Raya due to acceptable reasons, the desire to marry cannot be denied as long as the conditions and pillars are fulfilled. It's just that people who haven't memorized it need to be given advice to further increase their love for the homeland, one of which is being able to memorize Pancasila and being able to sing Indonesia Raya.

"In addition, the marriage organizer, in this case the Office of the KUA, should convey every program innovation that is being carried out so as not to create uproar in the community. Especially the uproar caused by religious sentiments," Fajar concluded.