Being a Marriage Trend at KUA, FAI UM Surabaya Lecturer Gives Response

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Gambar Artikel Being a Marriage Trend at KUA, FAI UM Surabaya Lecturer Gives Response
  • 04 Feb
  • 2023

Pasangan yang nikah di KUA. (twitter/cellaiskandar)

Being a Marriage Trend at KUA, FAI UM Surabaya Lecturer Gives Response

Recently, getting married for free at the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) is becoming a trend in Indonesia. The number of couples choosing to marry at KUA has increased during the Covid-19 pandemic with restrictions on health protocols. Getting married at the KUA is increasingly becoming an option for many couples because it is considered simple, free but still memorable.

UM Surabaya Faculty of Religion (FAI) lecturer Thoat Stiawan said that carrying out marriages at the KUA is not difficult, because these requirements have been stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Religion Number 20 of 2019 concerning marriage registration. Among them;

1. Cover letter for marriage from the RT/RW domicile of the two bride and groom.

2. Certificate of marriage (model N1).

3. A statement containing the origins of the bride and groom (model N2).

4. Statement of agreement between the two bride and groom (N3).

5. Declaration of parents (model N4).

6. The next requirement for marriage at the KUA is a statement letter to marry (model N7). If the person concerned is unable to attend, he can be represented by a guardian or another person.

7. Replacing the listing fee of IDR 30,000.

8. Dispensation statement issued by the court if the bride and groom are not old enough.

9. Letter of permission from the agency if the bride is a member of the TNI/Polri.

10. Requirements for marriage at the next KUA regarding a license legalized by the court for a husband who wants to marry another woman (polygamy for the 2nd wife and so on).

11. Divorce certificate or proof of divorce registration for those who apply for divorce before Law no. 7 of 1989.

12. The last requirement for marriage at the KUA is a death certificate for the widow/widower from the village head/lurah or authorized official (model N6).

Thoat said that the advantage of getting married at the KUA is that it is cost-effective. Getting married at KUA is cheaper than renting a building or other venue.

Apart from that, it's also not a hassle, getting married at the KUA also doesn't require a lot of troublesome preparations. Because, someone only needs to take care of documents without the need to think about building decorations and also tidying up when the event is over.

"What is equally important is time efficiency, because KUA marriage does not need to do a lot of preparation, the time that the two prospective brides have is more efficient," Thoat said Saturday (4/2/23)

Thoat also said that getting married at the KUA was calmer and more conducive, because not many people participated in the process at the KUA. so it can be said to be more sacred.

With so much public interest in carrying out marriages at KUA, what needs to be paid attention to is that KUA services must still be prime.

He said that the revitalization of the KUA needs to be carried out, and must be one of the priority programs for the Ministry of Religion, with the aim of improving services for the community to the lowest level. Because through the revitalization of KUA, it can provide guidance to the community, towards a sakinah mawadah warahmah family.

"Among them through the implementation of coaching and guidance for prospective brides, both through bride and groom courses, Family Learning Center (Puspaga) activities and well-functioning sakinah heritage programs," Thoat concluded.