Vulnerable to Attacks during the Rainy Season, UM Surabaya Lecturer: Recognize the Causes of Diarrhea

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Gambar Artikel Vulnerable to Attacks during the Rainy Season, UM Surabaya Lecturer: Recognize the Causes of Diarrhea
  • 22 Jun
  • 2022

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Vulnerable to Attacks during the Rainy Season, UM Surabaya Lecturer: Recognize the Causes of Diarrhea

Lately rainfall tends to increase in several cities. The high rainfall causes several seasonal diseases. Apart from coughs and colds, infectious diseases during the rainy season that need to be watched out for, one of which is diarrheal disease.

Heavy rainfall caused several areas to be flooded. This condition allows for contamination in the water supply which in turn allows for an increase in cases of infectious diseases related to sanitation hygiene. High rainfall can also result in an increase in breeding places for bacteria, viruses and parasites.

Vella Rohmayani, Lecturer in Applied Undergraduate Program in Medical Laboratory Technology (TLM) UM Surabaya, explained that flood conditions could occur due to water overflowing from the ditch. The overflow water is usually mixed with soil, garbage and human waste.

This is what then creates the risk of transmission of various kinds of diseases when the rainy season arrives. The high risk of disease transmission infection is related to sanitation conditions and access to clean water in that environment.

"A person can have a high risk of getting diarrhea, if access to clean water is inadequate, environmental sanitation is not good, does not maintain personal hygiene, and consumes food that is not kept clean," explained Vella Tuesday (22/6/22)

According to him, several studies have stated that there is a relationship between an increase in the level of rainfall and an increase in cases of diarrheal infection. Based on infectious disease data from the Ministry of Health (2011) it is also stated that diarrheal diseases are in third place after tuberculosis and pneumonia which can cause death.

The symptoms of someone having diarrhea are characterized by a frequency of defecation more than 4 times a day, accompanied by the consistency of soft stools or tends to be liquid.

“One type of germ that can cause diarrhea infection is E.coli bacteria. Escherichia coli bacteria is a type of fecal coliform bacteria that comes from animal and human feces. E.coli bacteria are also an indicator of water quality," he added.

Vella emphasized that during the rainy season, make sure one keeps the body's immune condition stable, considering that a decrease in the body's immune system can make a person susceptible to disease, including the danger of diarrheal disease infections.

"Create a clean environment and always maintain personal hygiene so that you are not easily infected with infectious diseases, especially during the rainy season," he concluded.