Indonesian Teenagers Are Vulnerable to the Tinder Application, These are Tips to Take Care of Yourself from a UM Surabaya Lecturer on Online Dating

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Gambar Artikel Indonesian Teenagers Are Vulnerable to the Tinder Application, These are Tips to Take Care of Yourself from a UM Surabaya Lecturer on Online Dating
  • 03 Dec
  • 2022

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Indonesian Teenagers Are Vulnerable to the Tinder Application, These are Tips to Take Care of Yourself from a UM Surabaya Lecturer on Online Dating

The presence of online dating applications such as Tinder has changed the way a person is in a relationship. To this day, Tinder is the most popular dating application in the world and in Indonesia. Apart from being easily accessible, this dating application makes it easy to find a partner according to one's criteria.

UM Surabaya Visual Communication Design (DKV) Lecturer Radius Setiyawan said, although the tinder application offers the idea of finding a partner in an easy and practical way, the risk of love scamming or fraud mode by using people who are looking for partners in online dating applications needs to be watched out for.

Radius said that the phenomenon of online dating allows users not to use real identities (anonymity), so one must be careful in maintaining privacy, data and self-image.

"Teenagers who use tinder are very vulnerable in terms of sexual education, sexual health and mental health, so teenagers and parents should be careful to avoid the risks of dating applications," said Radius Saturday (3/12/22)

In a written statement, Radius shared a number of tips for taking care of himself, so that someone is not deceived when using the online dating application Tinder. These tips do not mean to get to know about everything that is in online dating applications. The goal is none other than for users to be alert and careful.

First, avoid accounts that put weird links in their profile bios. Be wary of accounts that write “want to know me more or visit my personal website”. According to Radius, this is a trick to lead someone to a dangerous website.

Second, be wary of accounts that post suspicious photos. In the tinder application, accounts that have one photo and are equipped with details such as work and education level are very suspicious.

“Avoid accounts that use suspicious photos, photos that appear modified or photos of celebrities. Make sure to always ignore accounts that try to trick you with perfect, ideal body photos," he added.

Third, check the history of friends or common hobbies. Tinder's algorithm always matches nearby people who have the same friends and hobbies as Facebook. When matched with an account and it turns out that it has no relevance, we can be sure that the account is a fraudulent bot that is not connected to Facebook.

Fourth, don't trust too fast replies. There are many spam bots that send messages immediately after matching, the goal is to seduce someone. One way to test spam bots is to send messages that make no sense. Type in random letters like "agdsgdfgdf". The bot will respond to the message like a normal message.

Fifth, be aware of conversations in the form of invitations. Most people are not going to offer anything on Tinder to a stranger. Bots, on the other hand, will turn the conversation into an offer to exchange phone numbers if someone is willing to play with them, or will seduce with sex messages.

Sixth, be aware of the number of questions asked. Fraudsters on Tinder will try to strengthen the relationship by asking lots of questions, especially about past relationships and financial conditions. Fraudsters will ask for sensitive data such as KTP numbers, credit card and bank information.

“Don't give out your work and home addresses. Also, don't give your phone number to people you don't trust.

Finally, never send money. Spam bots will be tempted to register with certain websites, while scammers will ask to send money to solve problems, such as accidents or family problems.

"When someone starts asking for money on Tinder, cut contact with them immediately," concluded Radius.