Crowded About the Rights of the Citayam Fashion Week Brand: UM Surabaya Lecturer Gives Responses

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Gambar Artikel Crowded About the Rights of the Citayam Fashion Week Brand: UM Surabaya Lecturer Gives Responses
  • 28 Jul
  • 2022

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Crowded About the Rights of the Citayam Fashion Week Brand: UM Surabaya Lecturer Gives Responses

Citayam Fashion Week (CFW) is becoming a hot topic of discussion among netizens, from the fashion of the fringes to the structural crisis of public space. There are those who support it, there are those who bully it. Even the Citayam Fashion Week phenomenon attracted several celebrities to collaborate to take advantage of opportunities that ultimately reaped public controversy.

The bustle of this phenomenon attracted the attention of UM Surabaya Lecturer Radius Setiyawan to provide a response.

“Initially what happened at CFW was a lifestyling practice. A behavior that simply demonstrates a certain lifestyle without being supported by economic capacity which is the basis of actual consumption. We can see this in several contents when SCBD children mention the price of their outfits," explained Radius, Thursday (28/7/22)

According to Radius CFW, it is the effect of media consumption and results in efforts to imitate this practice. Lifestyling refers to symbolic consumption by the lower and middle class of the middle class.

“Finally, CFW practice has expanded and been widely imitated in all regions. As a creativity, of course we have to support and support. One of them is the provision of a safe and healthy public space for young people, "added Radius, a teacher of the Cultural Studies course.

He stressed that the matter of several parties trying to patent the CFW name was not a new phenomenon. People with more capital tend to take advantage of situations that might turn out to be in their favor. This condition will tend to marginalize and exploit weak people who are clearly the first to popularize CFW.

In brand rights there must be (benefits) for the holder. They will exploit the existing economic value due to royalties. When this is handled by the wrong person, what happens is exploitation and SCBD children are very likely to be harmed by this condition.

“Let the young CFW exist to create and imagine their creativity. We all have to protect against capitalization efforts that end up hurting them. Moreover, being a voice activator of the country's political elite or people with capital. Let them grow organically,” concluded the UGM Alumnus of Cultural and Media Studies.