Air Pollution Causes Premature Aging? UM Surabaya Faculty of Medicine Lecturer Suggests This

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Gambar Artikel Air Pollution Causes Premature Aging? UM Surabaya Faculty of Medicine Lecturer Suggests This
  • 29 Aug
  • 2023

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Air Pollution Causes Premature Aging? UM Surabaya Faculty of Medicine Lecturer Suggests This

Air pollution in Indonesia continues to be in the spotlight today. The population rate continues to increase, people are exposed to respiratory tract infections (ARI). Apart from ISPA, is it true that the impact of air pollution can cause premature aging? UM Surabaya Faculty of Medicine (FK) lecturer, Neny Triastuti, said that air pollution is one of the extrinsic factors that causes aging of the skin.

Neny shared a number of tips in the midst of the widespread issue of air pollution so that a person can maintain a healthy face to stay healthy.

“Wear sunscreen to prevent further extrinsic factors. This sunscreen is used every two hours as much as two knuckles. Wear sunscreen even if you are indoors and 30 minutes before doing outdoor activities," said Neny Tuesday 29/8/23)

According to him, another thing that can be done is regular exercise to expedite the body's metabolism so that the production of collagen and elastin or proteins in the skin and body tissues that help keep the skin flexible and tight is in sufficient quantity.

“You should also drink at least two liters of fluids per day and eat healthy food and take additional supplements. These supplements include antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B3 or Niacinamide to ward off free radicals to prevent premature aging, then antioxidative enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and coenzyme Q10," he added again.

Neny, who is also a Beauty Doctor, said that skin aging occurs naturally and starts when a person is 20 years old. At the age of 20, a person has a thick enough collagen density and elasticity in the dermis so that it is good enough to support the skin in the epidermis. This is the reason wrinkles haven't appeared yet.

"Then, as you get older, there is a depletion of collagen and elastin so fine wrinkles start to appear, especially at the age of 40 to 60 years," he said.

Neny also said that natural aging is exacerbated by extrinsic factors caused by environmental factors such as sun exposure, air pollution, smoking habits, and poor nutrition.

"As a result, the skin becomes increasingly loose, elasticity decreases, lesions or melasma appear and the skin becomes rougher," concluded Neny.