Ilustrasi gambar permainan capit (indozone)
Not only in big cities, now claw machines are already circulating in rural areas. Usually, managers leave the machine in mini-markets or shops that are visited by many children.
In this game, a player buys coins to put in the claw machine, then by moving the lever he has the opportunity to take the dolls inside. If observed at a glance the game is very simple.
Gandhung Fajar Panjalu, a lecturer at the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI) UM Surabaya, emphasized that when studied in depth, there is an element of gambling in the claw doll game.
According to him, something can be called gambling if it fulfills the elements of (1) being paid, (2) based solely on luck, not abilities that can be honed, and (3) lucky players get prizes, while players who are unlucky don't get anything or get something but the price is much less than what he has paid.
"In essence, gambling is buying opportunities based on luck," Gandhung explained Wednesday (5/10/22)
He explained, these three elements are in the claw machine. The claw doll game is based on the luck of the players, so the theory cannot be taught by any algorithm. Plus the unlucky player gets literally nothing.
In the legal system in Indonesia, the definition of gambling can take article 303 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code (KUHP), which reads "What is said to play gambling is every game, which is based on the hope of winning in general depending on luck alone. .
"Seeing the gambling aspect in the claw doll machine game, it is deemed appropriate if the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) issues a fatwa haram," he added.
The prohibition of gambling is based on the word of Allah Qs. Al-Maidah; 90, Allah says "O you who believe, verily intoxicants, gambling, idols, drawing fortunes with arrows, are among the acts of the devil. So, stay away from those actions so that you will get good luck.”
He emphasized that the prohibition of gambling has enormous wisdom, including so that humans follow the natural law process (sunnatullah) in obtaining sustenance, for example by working or trading, not just by relying solely on luck.
The existence of the dependency aspect in gambling is also the basis for prohibiting this behavior with a preventive legal approach (sadd al-zari'ah), because when a person is already in the addiction phase, he can do things that are not justified to satisfy his desires.
"In the end, the prohibition of gambling is also a form of protecting assets (hifdh al-maal), as one part of the intent of the revelation of Islamic Law (Maqashid al-Syari'ah)," concluded Gandhung.
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