Online Arisan Fraud is Rising, Economics Lecturer; Don't Trust Investments

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Gambar Artikel Online Arisan Fraud is Rising, Economics Lecturer; Don't Trust Investments
  • 15 Mar
  • 2022

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Online Arisan Fraud is Rising, Economics Lecturer; Don't Trust Investments

The current phenomenon of online arisan does not lead to real arisan, because real arisan is an association activity carried out by the community, especially for women.

Currently, arisan that is not so binding has developed, so that arisan is more oriented towards investment and has developed into an online arisan. The lure capital carried out by the arisan chairmen often promises quite large results, so that people are tempted and join.

“It is important that people have good financial literacy, so they can manage and invest their personal finances, be it in the form of money, goods or investing in gold, which is the current trend. When someone has a good understanding, the risks posed are also smaller," said Mochamad Mochklas, an Economics Lecturer at UM Surabaya. Monday (14/3/22)

He explained that investing money if the deposit interest is below 5% is definitely impossible, because all investments do not have a value below 5%. This is just a trick from the chairman of the arisan to bind members so that they are interested in joining the arisan online.

"What the public needs to understand, don't be tempted by investments that are more than the deposit value because of the economic foundation if the money is not used, of course the money will not be obtained with high yields. It needs to be understood again that the purpose of arisan is only for get-togethers or only for investment," he said again.

Furthermore, Mochklas gave some tips so as not to be fooled by social gatherings in the name of investment. The first thing that must be done is for the community to understand who will be the chairman who holds the arisan. If the chairman is a businessman eating, the money will definitely be used for business capital.

"Some of the phenomena that occur related to online arisan where the money is taken away is that the owner is someone who is hedonistic and glamorous, so it is important for the public to know the character of the owner," he added.

Another thing that needs to be considered again, when we want to invest is to make sure the investments we participate in have been registered with the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

"Don't be easily tempted by the large interest you get, because of the facts on the ground there are many different modes that are carried out by someone to get us to join the arisan," he concluded.