Observer of Children: Toxic Parenting is Dangerous for Child Development

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  • 22 Feb
  • 2022

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Observer of Children: Toxic Parenting is Dangerous for Child Development

Today, we often hear the word toxic parenting. Social media such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter often share discussions about toxic parenting. This then becomes a question mark regarding what are the actual dangers that can result from toxic parenting in a child's life.


Lilik Binti Mirnawati, a child observer at the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) as well as a Lecturer in Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) explained that toxic parenting itself is not only about physical violence, but can also take the form of verbal or psychological violence whose nature is invisible to the eye so it is difficult to detect.

"Parents' attitude that always wants to be obeyed, never respecting children's feelings and not giving children the right to express opinions is also included in toxic parenting," said Mirna Tuesday (22/2/22)

Mirna added that toxic parenting  can have a bad impact on children's development, especially on their mental health. Toxic parents will always dig into their children's shortcomings and must comply with their parents' wishes. Children who are brought up in such parenting conditions can grow into someone who has difficulty respecting themselves, so that later this will form a child who always blames himself.

"Toxic parenting will have a negative impact on children in the future, where these wounds often appear when children are growing up. Children can experience prolonged stress and depression, to the point that they suffer from mental and physical illness," he said again.

Furthermore, Mirna explained that toxic parenting can also cause personality disorders and make a child's self-concept messy, besides that it also has an impact on unhealthy social relations.

"The most terrible danger of toxic parenting is that children will behave the same way in the future or in other words become the next toxic parents for their children," he added.

This is a consequence that must be accepted from toxic parenting where the child will imitate the same thing and justify it happening as a matter of course.