UM Surabaya Education Specialist Responds to the Case of a Teacher Beating a Student in Middle School

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Education Specialist Responds to the Case of a Teacher Beating a Student in Middle School
  • 01 Feb
  • 2022

Foto Yuni Gayatri pakar pendidikan sekaligus dosen pendidikan biologi UM Surabaya (Dok:pribadi)

UM Surabaya Education Specialist Responds to the Case of a Teacher Beating a Student in Middle School

The news of a teacher hitting a student at a junior high school in Surabaya, which is currently going viral on social media, is a blow to the world of education. Parents and the community must be wondering how the educational process has been running so far, the educational values that have been instilled as well as what kind of learning has taken place in schools.

Yuni Gayatri Education Specialist and Lecturer in Biology Education at UM Surabaya explained that teachers are professional educators with the task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing and evaluating students through formal basic secondary education. Teacher is a profession bound by a code of ethics. It is this code of ethics that guides the attitude and behavior of teachers in carrying out their profession, in which there are moral values, what is permissible and what is not. This refers to the Law on Teachers and Lecturers number 14 of 2015.

Yuni explained the teacher's expected role in the law, teachers have been provided with various pedagogical knowledge including the development of student psychology. He explained that children from primary and secondary education are in their infancy so they have physical and psychological developments that tend to be creative, emotionally unstable, like to do experiments, tend to fantasize and talk a lot.

"Teachers who do not understand the psychology of child development will have many problems with students which can lead to emotions and even violence. The incident of teachers hitting students has violated the law, because our country has strictly protected children from violence perpetrated by educators," said Yuni, Tuesday (1/2/22)

The lecturer who is also the head of the biology education study program also added that this incident did not only have an impact on the physical and psychological impact of the student who was beaten, but is also expected to have an impact on the psychology of other students. When violence is shown in front of students, they will think that problem solving models can be solved with violence. What a person observes will then be processed cognitively, and then the child will try to reproduce it by imitating what is done.

Furthermore, Yuni explained that the teacher's role as a guide and guide for students will be very meaningful for students at school. When students make mistakes, the teacher can use other methods that are in accordance with our nation's more prudent educational norms.

"In the world of education, the teacher's task is not only to transfer knowledge, but also to transform values, especially moral values. good listeners, “added Yuni.

At the end of her presentation Yuni stressed the importance of redesigning learning in accordance with the development of students according to the era, this aims to make student and teacher communication run well so that messages of good moral values, ethics and psychomotor values are conveyed.

"The slogans of Ki Hajar Dewantara Ing Ngarso Sun Tuladha, Ing Madyo Mangun Karso, Tut Wuri Handayani have reminded us of our role as teachers and parents. In front of the children, teachers and parents are role models, in the middle they assist by being good communication partners and behind them they encourage children to be cheerleaders," he concluded.