UM Surabaya Health Expert Explains Characteristics of Packaged Foods Containing Hazardous Chemicals

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Health Expert Explains Characteristics of Packaged Foods Containing Hazardous Chemicals
  • 30 Mar
  • 2022

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UM Surabaya Health Expert Explains Characteristics of Packaged Foods Containing Hazardous Chemicals

Packaged food and fast food dishes often rely on various additives (additives) to improve the taste and appearance quality to make it more attractive while extending its shelf life. Behind this attractiveness, people need to pay attention to dangerous content.

The high consumption of packaged food by the public, especially children, attracted the attention of a Health Specialist from the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UM Surabaya) Siti Mardiyah to analyze the ingredients contained in packaged food.

Mardiyah explained that additives (additives) in packaged food are called Food Additives (BTP). The addition of BTP that may be used in food is regulated in Permenkes No. 033 of 2012 or PerKaBPOM No. 11 of 2019 concerning food additives.

"There are around 26 types of food additives regulated in these two regulations. Materials prohibited from being used in food include borax or boric acid, salicylic acid and its salts, diethylpyrocarbonate, dulsin, potassium chlorate, chloramphenicol, brominated vegetable oil, nitrofuranazone, and formalin," explained Mardiyah Wednesday (30/3/22)

In a written statement, Mardiyah explained the types of BTP that are often used in packaged food in children's snacks which are usually added to packaged food

"The first is a flavor enhancer called Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). People call it mecin. MSG is very commonly used in packaged food because it has a strong and tasty taste, so it is much liked by children. In addition to children's packaged food, MSG is generally also used in instant noodle products.

He explained that several studies explained that machinery could cause problems in the nerves and brain work. Most eating mecin is strongly suspected of causing headaches and nausea, as symptoms of Chinese restaurant syndrome.

"Another BTP that you need to watch out for is coloring agents or food additives that can improve or add color to food with the aim of enhancing appearance, parents must understand that not all food coloring is safe to use. Several studies have shown that artificial coloring can increase children's allergic tendencies and hyperactivity in children with ADHD," he added.

He explained that this dye is usually used in packaged beverage products, jelly, candy and ice cream. He advised to choose food without artificial coloring, or use coloring from natural ingredients (such as suji leaves for green color) to avoid the risk of disease.

The next thing to watch out for is artificial flavors. Artificial flavor is BTP which can add, add and emphasize a taste to food. Some drinks and packaged foods with original flavors sometimes get their flavor with the help of artificial flavours. Animal studies have found evidence that artificial flavors have some toxic effects on health if consumed in excess.

You should also watch out for fructose corn syrup, which is an artificial sweetener that is often found in soda, juice, candy, cereal, and various snacks. If consumed continuously, it can increase the risk of obesity and diabetes. In addition, this one substance can also trigger inflammation in cells which can lead to various serious diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

“Research proves that this type of sweetener does not contain the vitamins and minerals that the body needs. Instead, choose foods and drinks without added artificial sugars. We can add pure honey as a healthier substitute for sugar," he explained.

Next are artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, saccharin, and cyclamate which are used in low-calorie sweet foods and drinks. Cyclamate has a sweet taste 30 times that of sucrose. Retailers generally know sodium cyclamate under the trade name sodium or sugar syrup or cider. Research has shown that artificial sweeteners can help you lose weight and help manage blood sugar levels in the body.

It is also important to understand preservatives in food. The combination of sodium benzoate and food coloring can increase the tendency for hyperactivity in children. In addition, sodium benzoate combined with vitamin C can also turn into benzene, a substance that can increase the risk of cancer. So it's good to be careful before buying. Avoid foods and drinks that contain benzoic acid, sodium benzoate, benzene, or benzoate combined with vitamin C such as citric acid or ascorbic acid.

Finally, there are trans fats. Trans fat (trans fat) is formed due to the process of high temperature frying (deep frying), hydrogenation, and roasting (baking), usually found in margarine, biscuits, popcorn, fried foods, to creamers and fast food.

“Studies have proven that trans fats can increase LDL and bad cholesterollower levels of good cholesterol HDL which gradually increases the risk of heart disease. For this reason, it is better to limit the consumption of foods that contain trans fats," he concluded.