UM Surabaya Legal Expert Reveals 3 Problems in the Wadas Case

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Legal Expert Reveals 3 Problems in the Wadas Case
  • 11 Feb
  • 2022

Foto : tangkapan layar Instagram @wadas_melawan

UM Surabaya Legal Expert Reveals 3 Problems in the Wadas Case

Director of the Center for Anti-Corruption and Democracy Studies at the Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UM Surabaya) Satria Unggul Wicaksana responded to the case of refusal to build the Beres Dam in Wadas Village, Purworejo Regency, Central Java. In a written statement, Satria explained that there were 3 problems, namely agrarian affairs, criminal prosecution of citizens, law and human rights (HAM).

Satria explained that the protest by the residents of Wadas Village against the mining of andesite rock for the Bener Dam construction project in Purworejo is a constitutional right, guaranteed by the 1945 UUDNRI and clearly not a violation of law.

"The massive deployment of troops for no apparent reason, intimidation, a series of acts of beatings, deprivation, vandalism by security forces, arbitrary arrests, obstacles by a team of attorneys accompanying residents, blackouts of electricity and internet networks including the hacking of LBH Yogyakarta's Instagram are precisely forms of the operation of repressive law enforcement, not only violates the law, but also violates human rights guaranteed in the constitution and legislation," said Satria Friday (11/2/22).

Satria emphasized that residents' protests against the Bener Dam construction plan must be responded to by the government by reviewing the project development plan based on residents' objections, not by carrying out various repressive measures.

He considered that the Governor of Central Java and the Central Java Regional Police Chief should be held responsible for all the unlawful actions they had committed. No exception, urged the Central Java Police Chief to immediately withdraw all troops from Wadas Village and work professionally, with integrity, complying with the principles of a democratic rule of law. Intimidation on the ground, in all its forms, must stop, because it is inconsistent with the protection of the right to feel safe.

"The Bener Dam project is part of the National Strategic Project (PSN), and its urgency must be reviewed, especially with the violent methods that accompanied the construction process. The state is obliged to provide protection and fulfillment of human rights, and ensure that all legal processes are carried out in accordance with the 1945 UUDNRI," added Satria.

At the end of his statement he reminded that every citizen has the right to get a decent job and livelihood, as well as respecting the choice of the Wadas Villagers to keep their agricultural land and territory from the dam construction project.