Economic Expert at UM Surabaya Reveals MSME Strategy for Easy Upgrading

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Gambar Artikel Economic Expert at UM Surabaya Reveals MSME Strategy for Easy Upgrading
  • 08 Feb
  • 2022

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Economic Expert at UM Surabaya Reveals MSME Strategy for Easy Upgrading

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an adverse impact on the sustainability of MSMEs. Referring to the data released by the Katadata Insight Center (KIC), the majority of MSMEs (82.9%) have felt the negative impact of the pandemic and only a small number (5.9%) experienced positive growth.

UM Economic Expert in Surabaya Fatkur Huda explained that the conditions that are happening to MSMEs today need efforts to increase the business being run in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector so that they can recover from the shock of the Covid 19 pandemic so he provided several strategies so that MSMEs go up a grade.

“Improving product quality is the main indicator for running a business. In improving products, MSME actors must maintain product quality consistency by paying attention to the process from raw materials to product formation, so they know the quality control process," explained Fatkur Monday (7/2/22)

Fatkur also added that building a good business is maintaining quality services. Service satisfaction will have an impact on convenience so that it has a comfortable impact on consumers. He emphasized that even though he sells quality products, if the service is bad, consumers will choose other products.

“Another thing that needs attention is daring to venture into the digital market. The digital era presents a market that can be accessed by all consumers from all over. E-commerce is an opportunity for actors to start exploring to market their products," added Fatkhur.

Furthermore, Fatkur emphasized that using social media properly is also necessary to convey product information. MSME players can start by creating a special account with their business identity, this is intended for wider market reach.