Nurses of UM Surabaya Explain the Causes of Frequent Body Aches

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Gambar Artikel Nurses of UM Surabaya Explain the Causes of Frequent Body Aches
  • 09 Aug
  • 2023

Ilustrasi gambar (Shutterstock)

Nurses of UM Surabaya Explain the Causes of Frequent Body Aches

A feeling of soreness is often experienced by someone at any time due to excessive use of muscles, but sometimes it also appears when not doing any activity at all. Aches usually occur in certain areas such as the feet, neck, hands and can even reach the whole body.

Nurse UM Surabaya Islam Syarifurrahman said, feeling sore is a sign that the muscles lack energy and lactic acid accumulates in the muscle tendons.

"Conditions like this will obviously make the body often feel weak and disrupt activities," said Islam Wednesday (9/8/23)

So what are the causes of frequent body aches?

First is stress. Someone who experiences stress will experience a decrease in the immune system, as a result the body will be susceptible to disease and psychosomatic disorders such as headaches, stomach disorders, body aches, insomnia.

Second, lack of exercise. Sports can be physically and spiritually healthy, structured sports will make repetitive body movements to improve physical fitness.

"Regular exercise will make the muscles and bones work strong and not easily tense, then exercise will make blood circulation smooth," he added.

Third, strenuous physical activity. Discomfort (ache) can be triggered by sitting for too long. Someone often does strenuous physical activities, such as office workers who sit too long in front of a computer which can make their back and neck ache.

Fourth, low back pain for someone with LBP is usually related to acute mechanical trauma or accumulation of several traumas over time, pain appears because the body releases inflammatory mediators so that injured muscle tissue will trigger the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines which can cause perception. painful.

 "The pain that is felt is like aches, muscles feel stiff and cramps," concluded Islam.