Nurses UM Surabaya: Five Habits Should Not Be Done After Eating

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Gambar Artikel Nurses UM Surabaya: Five Habits Should Not Be Done After Eating
  • 08 Sep
  • 2023

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Nurses UM Surabaya: Five Habits Should Not Be Done After Eating

Someone who has bad habits after eating can affect health, especially in the digestive system. Many activities are carried out by someone who is too close after eating so that it makes the body feel uncomfortable.

Islam Syarifurrahman Nurse UM Surabaya said, five habits that should not be done after eating.

First is exercise, in general this activity is good for health, but if it is done immediately after eating, it will have a bad impact on the digestive system, after eating blood flow will flow in the digestive tract. In addition, nausea, vomiting can occur because there is a jolt in the stomach during exercise, stomach cramps can also occur due to a stomach full of food and then being forced to pull on the joints while exercising.

Second is smoking. Smoking becomes a habit for active smokers when after eating. One of the disadvantages of smoking after eating is that nutrients will be difficult for the body to absorb, another problem is that the stomach emptying process will be faster. This will increase digestive disorders, namely duodenal ulcers.

Third is sleep. A person with a full stomach will usually feel sleepy and usually choose to sleep or lie down. This sleep has negative effects on the body, such as disruption of the digestive process, namely the digestive process slows down and this can cause abdominal pain.

"Another problem is esophageal reflux. This causes food that enters the stomach to reverse upward, causing a burning sensation in the esophagus and causing nausea or vomiting," said Islam Friday (8/9/23)

Fourth, eat fruit. Fruit is usually a dessert or after-meal dessert for most people, it turns out that fruit has a negative impact on the digestive process if consumed immediately after eating, because fruit is directly fermented in the intestine and can cause gas to arise so that the stomach feels bloated and can cause diarrhea. Fruit is better eaten on an empty stomach or 1-2 hours after eating.

Fifth, drink coffee. Coffee has acidic properties which can make food difficult to digest, this obviously affects the digestive system, it is better to drink this coffee 1-2 hours after eating.

"In research drinking coffee after eating can reduce iron by 80% and can increase bad cholesterol in the body. This coffee contains oil which is a trigger for increasing cholesterol in food, "concluded Islam.