Nurse UM Surabaya Explains 5 Causes of Quick Fatigue and Drowsiness

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Gambar Artikel Nurse UM Surabaya Explains 5 Causes of Quick Fatigue and Drowsiness
  • 04 Jan
  • 2023

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Nurse UM Surabaya Explains 5 Causes of Quick Fatigue and Drowsiness

Getting tired quickly and getting sleepy easily will affect one's daily productivity, this condition is prone to occur in someone who has busy or busy activities. A tired body condition will cause excessive sleepiness.

“Although many people think this condition is not a serious health problem. However, this should not be underestimated," said the Nurse of UM Surabaya Islam Syarifurrahman, "Wednesday (4/1/23)

In his statement, Islam mentions 5 causes for a person's body to get tired quickly and fall asleep easily. These five causes include:

First, is obesity or overweight. He said, obesity is a condition of a person's body which is characterized by excess fat, people with obesity will have excess weight, so they need more energy when doing activities and the need for oxygen in the body will increase.

Second is depression. Islam explains that depression is a mental disorder or feeling disorder characterized by difficulty concentrating, prolonged sadness. Conditions like this make a person become stressed and easily feel tired and sleepy due to disturbances in sleep patterns.

Third, lack of exercise. Sport is a physical activity that can increase energy. Meanwhile, people who don't exercise much will get tired easily even if they do small activities.

"Cardio sports such as jogging and cycling are good choices to increase stamina in the body," added Islam.

The fourth is dehydration or lack of fluids in the body. The need for water in the body requires about 2-3 liters of water every day, lack of fluids in the body causes fatigue, which will eventually cause sleepiness.

"Drinking enough water is important for health, because losing body fluids can reduce one's stamina," he said.

Lastly is sleep apnea. Islam emphasized that someone who has sleep apnea will often wake up at night due to breathing problems which makes the quality of sleep not restful, because the brain does not get enough oxygen.