UM Surabaya Nurses Share Seven Tips for Congested Nose

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Nurses Share Seven Tips for Congested Nose
  • 13 Feb
  • 2023

Ilustrasi hidung tersumbat di malam hari. (Elements Envato)

UM Surabaya Nurses Share Seven Tips for Congested Nose

Nasal congestion is a health problem that interferes with activities and causes discomfort, so that a person often seeks treatment at an ENT doctor. The trigger for this blockage in the nose is konka hypertrophy.

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) nurse, Islam Syarifurrhman, said that there are many impacts that occur when the nose has konka hypertrophy, starting from breathing that is not clear, excessive nasal secretions, nasal congestion, and even pain due to obstructed airflow due to narrowing. in the nasal cavity.

In a written statement, Islam shares seven ways to deal with a stuffy nose. According to him the first thing that can be done is exercise. Exercise is the right natural treatment for nasal congestion, besides being able to maintain endurance, exercise has a vasoconstrictive effect which can reduce symptoms of nasal congestion. Vasoconstriction during exercise is obtained due to the release of the hormone adrenaline.

“Second drink warm water. Drinking warm water is a non-pharmacological therapy that can improve breathing and relieve mucus in the nose, according to research, the temperature of warm water is 44-52C," explained Islam Monday (13/2/23)

Third, enough rest. Adequate rest keeps the immune system awake, because the acute rhinitis factor will cause irritation to the mucous lining of the nose, the symptom of which is a stuffy nose, the risk of which is a decrease in the immune system.

Fourth sinus massage. You can relieve a stuffy nose by massaging the index finger and middle finger on both sides of the nose.

"Place your fingers right between the cheekbones and upper jaw, then massage gently in a circular motion for up to 1 minute," he added.

Fifth inhale ginger water vapor. Warm ginger steam has a good impact on health because it uses natural ingredients that work to relax muscles to relieve coughs.

"By inhaling warm ginger water can relieve a stuffy nose and other respiratory problems such as coughs and colds," he added.

Sixth consumption of analgesics. Analgesics are a class of anti-pain drugs such as profen, paracetamol, which function in the inflammatory process and to relieve pain when the nose is blocked

Finally antihistamines. Antihistamines are a group of drugs that can be used to relieve allergic reactions such as rhinitis.

"If someone with a stuffy nose is due to an allergy to this antihistamine drug, it will help reduce nasal congestion," concluded Islam.