Nurses UM Surabaya Share Tips for Getting Rid of Headaches Naturally

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Gambar Artikel Nurses UM Surabaya Share Tips for Getting Rid of Headaches Naturally
  • 20 Dec
  • 2022

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Nurses UM Surabaya Share Tips for Getting Rid of Headaches Naturally

Headaches are often a complaint for many people. The causes of headaches are very diverse, ranging from physical conditions that are not fit to stress. In each person the level of pain or pain in the head is different, ranging from mild to severe. The duration also varies, it can last only a moment or even days.

Nurse UM Surabaya Islam Syarifurrahman said, in general, headaches can heal by themselves. However, if the complaint is not treated immediately it will interfere with activities.

"A person usually takes medicine to quickly relieve symptoms of dizziness, even though a minor illness like this can be cured without medication," said Islam Tuesday (20/12/22)

Islam calls the intensity of headache pain for each person different. Mild pain is pain that goes away and then arises, moderate pain is pain that is felt continuously, and severe pain occurs throughout the day.

In a written statement, Islam shared a number of tips for getting rid of headaches naturally.

First, sports. According to him, regular exercise such as yoga is a good choice to prevent and treat headaches. Exercise, in this case, is doing movements that focus on relaxation, stretching the body, and regulating breathing patterns.

"The combination of these movements will make the body more relaxed and stretch stiff muscles, so that blood flow throughout the body becomes smoother," said Islam.

Both compress warm water on the neck. Warm water compresses with a temperature of 40-50C have a therapeutic effect that can reduce pain, reduce muscle spasms, increase blood flow and relax muscles to blood vessels and dilate blood vessels so that the intake of oxygen and brain nutrients to brain tissue increases.

"The purpose of compressing warm water on the neck is to reduce the intensity of the headache," he added.

Finally eat fruit. Several types of fruits can treat headaches, such as bananas which contain potassium, this is good for controlling blood sugar levels.

“If it is too high or too low it will cause headaches. Dragon fruit has a rich content of potassium and flavonoids so it can lower blood pressure," concluded Islam.