Nurses UM Surabaya Share 7 Tips for Not Sleepy when Waking Up in the Morning

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Gambar Artikel Nurses UM Surabaya Share 7 Tips for Not Sleepy when Waking Up in the Morning
  • 26 Jun
  • 2023

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Nurses UM Surabaya Share 7 Tips for Not Sleepy when Waking Up in the Morning

Sleepiness in the morning is often experienced by most people and is a problem that interferes with productivity throughout the day. In fact, getting up early in the morning has various health benefits ranging from better mental health, anxiety levels, to a smaller risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

Nurse UM Surabaya Islam Syarifurrahman shares tips so that someone doesn't get sleepy easily in the morning.

First, exercise regularly. The cause of frequent sleepiness in the morning is caused by a lack of regular exercise and causes the body to lack energy.

"Routine and light exercise every day or at least 2 times a week such as yoga, jogging, push-ups will make the body feel fit," said Islam Monday (26/6/23)

Second, drink coffee. Consuming coffee in moderation will make the body more refreshed and can avoid drowsiness because the effect of caffeine on the body will react by binding to a compound called adenosine. It is better to drink coffee a maximum of 4 cups a day.

Fourth, drink water. The need for body fluids must be met properly so that the systems in the body work optimally, a lack of water intake in a person's body will experience dehydration and the body will easily get tired and sleepy.

Fifth, manage stress. Someone who is depressed has an effect on the physique so that it is easier to experience fatigue, the body lacks energy so it will be easier to fall asleep.

Sixth, consumption of nutritious food. Frequent drowsiness is an alarm that the body lacks energy, a person can consume foods that contain lots of carbohydrates, protein, or vitamins so that the body fulfills the nutrients.

"These nutrients are found in types of food, namely eggs, fruits, nuts, milk, vegetables," concluded Islam.