Nurses of UM Surabaya Share 3 Habits of Eating When Breaking the Fast which are Bad for Health

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Gambar Artikel Nurses of UM Surabaya Share 3 Habits of Eating When Breaking the Fast which are Bad for Health
  • 29 Mar
  • 2023

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Nurses of UM Surabaya Share 3 Habits of Eating When Breaking the Fast which are Bad for Health

In the month of Ramadan, there is a moment of breaking the fast which is always eagerly awaited every day. When breaking the fast one can eat food with the variety and amount of food desired.

There are still many people who are crazy about eating food when breaking their fast, because they have been hungry all day. Bad habits like this if done frequently will cause various responses that are not good for one's body's health, such as the risk of obesity due to too large number of calories entering the body. Consuming the right food is not the quantity but the quality of the nutrients contained in these foods.

So what are the eating habits that are bad for health? Nurse UM Surabaya Islam Syarifurrahman shared 3 eating habits when breaking the fast which are bad for health.

First, consuming too many sweet foods and drinks. Breaking the fast with something sweet is recommended to restore energy to the body. However, consuming mostly sweet drinks is also not good for health.

"Consuming excessive sugary drinks can cause overweight, make the body weak, make it difficult for the body to move and become slower and easily sleepy," said Islam Wednesday (29/3/23)

Second, too often consumption of oily food. Fried food is still an important variant when breaking the fast. However, usually the fried food that a person consumes is synonymous with excess oil content which makes it difficult for the body to digest food. If too often will cause disturbances in the digestive system.

Third, consumption of fast food. When breaking the fast, not a few people choose and eat fast food, because it can be served quickly.

"However, people need to know that ready-to-eat food contains high calories and carbohydrates which can cause disease risks such as blood sugar and digestive system disorders," concluded Islam.