Why is it better to turn off the light while sleeping? This is the Explanation of the Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya

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Gambar Artikel Why is it better to turn off the light while sleeping? This is the Explanation of the Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya
  • 03 Aug
  • 2022

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Why is it better to turn off the light while sleeping? This is the Explanation of the Lecturer of FK UM Surabaya

The quality of sleep affects our activities the next day. Not only sufficient duration, with quality sleep our bodies will feel refreshed and healthy when we wake up the next morning so that a person will be able to work properly, will not feel tired and lethargic.

Everyone has different sleeping habits, both in terms of time, place, and room conditions. Included also in the problem of lighting when sleeping. Some people prefer to sleep with the lights turned off, but some are more comfortable when it's bright.

Rini Kusumawardhany, a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) UM Surabaya, who is an eye specialist, explains that good sleep is in the dark. According to him, research proves, sleeping in the dark provides many benefits for the health of the body.

In a written statement Rini explained, the first benefit is to produce the hormone melatonin. Biologist, Joan Robert, believes that the body will produce the hormone melatonin when we sleep with the lights turned off. Christopher Drake, PhD, a sleep expert from Henry Ford Hospital, said the body produces the soporific hormone melatonin (triggers drowsiness in preparation for sleep).

“One of the functions of the hormone melatonin is to increase the body's immunity in warding off disease. Conversely, if we sleep with the lights on, the hormone melatonin will not be produced from within the body. As a result, the body's immunity decreases and it is easy to get sick, "explained Rini Wednesday (3/8/22)

The second is reducing depression. Quoted from the National Sleep Foundation, a recent study from Ohio State University revealed that sleeping in a bright room is more at risk of developing depression than sleeping in a dark room. If the lights are left on while sleeping, we will be disturbed by the light rays so that sleep is not deep.

“A dark room can relax the mind so it can relieve stress. It can also be a means of light meditation which will indirectly stabilize emotions and thoughts," he added.

The third benefit is avoiding the risk of obesity. According to Rini, dim light when sleeping at night can reset physical rhythms, such as eating schedules. In people who sleep in a room with bright light tend to have a higher body mass index.

"So we can conclude that sleeping in the dark is better than in the light. if it's still difficult to change the habit of sleeping in the dark, "he explained.

Rini also shared some tips that can be done slowly to change these habits. First, by starting to get used to reducing the intensity of the light little by little until you finally get used to sleeping in the dark.

Second, turn off all screens before going to bed. TVs, laptops, computers, smartphones, tablets and reading lights should all be turned off before going to sleep. Even the light from a smartphone can interfere with sleep quality because it directly shines into the eyes.

Third, face the fear of the dark while sleeping. There are people who have a fear of the dark. one can overcome it by practicing it daily and keeping away negative thoughts about the dark.

“Finally, choose a red or orange night light. Red or orange light does not affect the circadian system the way white/blue light does. Using colored light might be an effective choice,” Rini concluded.

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