Fake Trading Happens, Economic Experts Give Tips Before Investing

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Gambar Artikel Fake Trading Happens, Economic Experts Give Tips Before Investing
  • 07 Mar
  • 2022

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Fake Trading Happens, Economic Experts Give Tips Before Investing

In the last few days, the cyberspace has been full of news about the case of the arrest of an influencer named Doni Salmanan for a binary option investment fraud case, previously known as Crazy Rich Bandung.

In this case, Doni Salmanan was charged with multiple articles, starting from Article 45 paragraph 1 of Article 28 paragraph 1 of the ITE Law, which carries a penalty of 6 years in prison, and Article 378 of the Criminal Code, which carries a maximum of 4 years in prison.

This case attracted the attention of Arin Setyowati, an economist at the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya). In a written statement, he explained the vulnerability of the community, which was very minimal in terms of knowledge and financial literacy, so that with the lure of fake investments it is inevitable that many people dream of big profits in a simple way and in a short time without being matched by strong filtering power over the tools they use.

"The easy thing that can be done to screen entities and investment instruments whether they are fraudulent or not is with 2L, which is legal and logical," explained Arin Friday (18/3/22)

Arin explained, legal means that the investment entity is listed as licensed by the OJK. So that as of March 5 and 6 2022, OJK released 101 fraudulent investment entities, aka unlicensed (illegal), consisting of 57 companies offering investment without a permit and 44 fraudulent investment entities.

“Dozens of various companies that offer unlicensed investments are engaged in the brokerage sector, MLM, to umroh offers. There are a large number of them milling about in the cyber world, so all levels of society need to be careful who want to get involved in the investment world,” he said again.

He also emphasized that binary options do not have a legal umbrella in Indonesia. Thus, binary options applications and platforms are considered illegal in Indonesia. If you still want to decide to play binary options, you have to be prepared with all the risks.

"Second is logical, meaning that people must be smart in calculating what investment instruments will be used to get profit. Don't easily believe in offers of investments that promise high returns without risk," he added.

He further added that every investment will be followed by a risk, the choice is only to choose a big or small risk. While futures trading can provide high profits, it can also result in high losses (high risk high return).

Arin reminded the public not to be easily tempted by the lure of fixed income or profit sharing in investments and not to easily deposit funds into certain accounts with promises of obtaining a certain percentage of profit, and require that within a certain period of time these funds cannot be withdrawn by customers.

"If there is a futures trading offer spiced with the lure of getting a commission when successfully recruiting new members as a downline, you can be sure that this mode will end in fraud," he concluded.