Murder in Inheritance Cases Rises, Lecturer at UM Surabaya: Here's the Key to Distribution of Assets So There's No Family Conflict

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Gambar Artikel Murder in Inheritance Cases Rises, Lecturer at UM Surabaya: Here's the Key to Distribution of Assets So There's No Family Conflict
  • 02 Nov
  • 2022

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Murder in Inheritance Cases Rises, Lecturer at UM Surabaya: Here's the Key to Distribution of Assets So There's No Family Conflict

A few weeks ago, social media was shocked by the viral case of the murder of a family due to an inheritance conflict. In this case 5 victims were found dead in a septic tank well.

Lecturer at the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI) UM Surabaya Dian Berkah explained that inheritance problems in Indonesia are the second largest, after divorce issues, based on data entered in court.

Dian Berkah, who is also the Founder of the Waris Center, said that the rise in inheritance disputes is inseparable from the reality of the unfair distribution of inheritance. So he shared a number of tips on dividing inheritance so that family conflicts would not occur.

The first thing that must be done is the importance of parents educating family members from an early age about the importance of Islamic inheritance law as a guideline for the distribution of inheritance.

"Second, it is important for each family member to start building economic independence, without having to wait for inheritance from their parents." Dian said Wednesday (2/11/22)

Third, inheritance begins to be managed for productive activities as a sustainable family economy (Sustainable Family Finance).

"Fourth, parents can distribute assets before death through instruments of grants, zakat, infaq, shadaqah, waqf according to the provisions and are known by family members," added Dian again.

Fifth, parents can use a will instrument if they wish to distribute their assets to siblings and others who are not included in the heirs with conditions and are known by the heirs.

Sixth, parents and family members continue to deepen the subject of Islamic inheritance through direct studies and online media.

"With the involvement of parents and relatives in practicing these things, it will prevent prolonged conflicts over inheritance," concluded Dian.